By: Diana Tsai

What is Veterati?

Veterati is a digital platform for veterans & military spouses to access mentorship-on-demand from successful professionals across the nation. Our mission is to create mentorship conversations between 1.5 million transitioning veterans and 100 million Americans currently employed across America. The Global Head of Military Programs of the #1 veteran employer in the United States calls the proprietary mentorship-on-demand software we’ve developed for veterans “The Uber of mentorship, a game-changer.”


How did Veterati get started?

This all started when I met my Marine cofounders, Thy Tang (CTO) and Daniel Rau (COO). Thy was a Marine who became a software engineer and then built several technology companies. He bootstrapped his companies from his basement and built them into international businesses doing over $50 million in annual revenue. Thy and I have been longtime friends with a shared passion for building companies that change the world. Today, Thy is my proverbial brother and cofounder, the CTO at Veterati, and the tech genius behind our mentorship-on-demand platform.


Daniel was a Marine who reached out to me in 2014 through LinkedIn from Kabul, Afghanistan. He was connecting with entrepreneurs to hear about their startup stories, as he was interested in building his own company someday. He learned about startups from me, and I learned about transitioning veterans from him. Through Daniel and the veterans he introduced me to, I found people I cared deeply about and a mission worth dedicating my life to. Today, he’s our COO, and my fiancee (a love story I’ll publish another time)!


As for me, I’m a midwestern gal from Ohio with big dreams for changing the world. After graduating from Georgetown I was running startups focusing on design, branding, and social impact on an international scale. Today, I’m the CEO of Veterati, and a proud soon-to-be veteran spouse!


It’s now been 18 months since Thy, Daniel, and I founded Veterati together. There have been many advisors and friends who have supported us along the way and we would not be here without them. They are our team’s mentors! You can find them here.


Why did we build Veterati?

Unlike most startups, the Veterati story isn’t about creating incredible technology or delivering something amazing in a simple way – although we believe we’ve been able to do just that! The true story is a human story, one that we all share, in one way or another.


It’s the story of service. Service that it is deeply human to want to give selflessly for another. It’s the story of men and women throughout this country who answered the call to defend our nation, our families, and our way of life. It’s the story of bringing together good people, successful professionals, and the 100 million working Americans that are willing to stand behind those who have honorably served all of us.


We’ve all transitioned in some form or another. Veterati’s mission is to make the transition a better experience for our veterans and military spouses through the transformative power of mentorship.


Take Action Now:


If you’re a successful professional who wants to pay it forward: take 60 seconds to set up a career mentorship profile on and start making a difference for Veterans & Military Spouses, today. All mentorship takes place through phone calls at the convenience of your schedule; you can start with just 1 phone call per month and we handle all the scheduling for you.  Set Up Your Profile Here


If you are an active duty service member about to exit, a transitioning or unemployed Veteran or Military Spouse; if you’re unclear on the path forward to my dream job– take 60 seconds to signup at and start booking conversations with CEOs, recruiters, and successful professionals who can help you navigate to your dream career. Set Up Your Profile Here

Author - Diana Tsai

I may not have all the answers to transition & job search but I'm 90%-certain I can connect you to the right mentors on our platform who do!!

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