By: Diana Tsai

  1. BE A MIRROR. Hone in on your mentee’s actual challenge by mirroring it back to them: “Based on what you said, the challenge I understand you’re facing is …. , is this accurate?”
  2. CHECK IF YOU’RE ON TARGET. After giving advice to your mentee, to gage whether your advice is on target, say: “Out of all that advice, what sounds helpful to you?”
  3. ATTENTION IS THE RAREST AND PUREST FORM OF GENEROSITY. We get asked all the time, “Who are the best mentors for Veterati?” Answer: The men and women who volunteer to serve our country are as diverse as any random slice of the American population. So the best mentors come from an equally diverse background, with sole qualifications being compassion, empathy, and a genuine desire to serve those who have served us. Thank you for being a Veterati Mentor!

BONUS. BE A SUPERCONNECTOR. Since 80% of jobs exist in our personal networks, introductions are critical to networking into the right job. After your call is complete, we’ll give you your mentee’s email for direct introductions and also give you our auto-generated referral email for any mentors you want to bring into the platform.

Author - Diana Tsai

I may not have all the answers to transition & job search but I'm 90%-certain I can connect you to the right mentors on our platform who do!!

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